LARGE SCHOOL BOYS AND GIRLS                                          SMALL SCHOOL BOYS AND GIRLS
Dates:  May 24-26 (Friday-Sunday)                                              Dates: May 24-25 (Friday-Saturday)
Cost: $395                                                                                     Cost: $325  

Games: Minimum 5                                                                       Games: Minimum 4
Boys Divisions: Large Varsity, Junior Varsity and Freshmen         Divisions: Boys Varsity and Girls Varsity
Girls Divisions: Large Varsity and Junior Varsity                           Format: Pool Play followed by Tournament
Format: Pool Play followed by Tournament


2024 Tournament Information

Tournament Information Coaches/Parents

Hotel Information​
Tournament Game Rules
Player Waiver Form

Sporting Chance Food Menu
Sporting Chance Food Policy
Code of Conduct
Directions and Parking Information 
Sporting Chance Center

To Register for the Memorial Weekend Classic contact Karl Pieroway by email at or by phone at 520.272.9323.

2022 Tournament Champions
Boys Large School: Cholla HS (Southern, AZ)
Girls Large School: Las Cruces HS (Las Cruces, NM)
Boys Small School: Pima HS (Southern, AZ)

Girls Small School: Safford HS (Southern, AZ)
Boys Junior Varsity: Coronado HS (El Paso, TX)
Girls Junior Varsity: So. Arizona Prep (Tucson, AZ)

2021 Tournament Champions
Boys Large School: Hoopology (Buena) (Southern, AZ)
Girls Large School: Salpointe (Tucson, AZ)
Boys Small School: Coolidge (Southern, AZ) 
Boys Junior Varsity: Hoopology (Buena) (Southern, AZ)
Girls Junior Varsity: Pueblo (Tucson, AZ)

2018 Tournament Champions
Boys Large School: Sabino (Tucson, AZ)
Girls Large School: Mayfield (Las Cruces, NM)
Boys Small School: Pima (Southern, AZ) 
Boys Junior Varsity: Nogales (Southern, AZ)
Girls Junior Varsity: Mayfield (Las Cruces, NM)

2017 Tournament Champions

Boys Large School: Buena (Tucson)
Girls Large School: Pueblo (Tucson)

Boys Small School: Pima (Pima, AZ) 
Girls Small School: Tucson High (Tucson)

Boys Junior Varsity: La Cueva (New Mexico)

Girls Junior Varsity: Pueblo (Tucson)
Boys Freshmen: Rio Rico (Rio Rico, AZ)

2016 Tournament Champions
Boys Large School: Sunnyside (Tucson) 
Boys Small School: St. Augustine (Tucson)

Girls Large School: Mayfield (New Mexico) 
Girls Small School/JV: Ganado (Northern AZ.)
Boys Junior Varsity: Marana (Southern AZ.)

Boys Freshmen: Tucson High (Tucson)

2015 Tournament Champions
Boys Large School: Sunnyside (Tucson)
Boys Small School: Santa Cruz (So. AZ)
Girls Small School/JV: Baboquivari (So. AZ)
Boys Junior Varsity: Walden Grove (So. AZ)

A Tucson based youth basketball organization.